Pornography Addiction

Any type of addiction is difficult to understand, especially if you have never had the problem.  While it comes in many forms, pornography addiction has become a significant epidemic in this country.  Easy to hide, with seemingly few immediate side effects, it has become the addiction of choice for many men and some women.  Research tells us that more pornographic websites hit the Internet every day than any other type of sight.  Sadly, access has become easier and easier.

If you are the one struggling with this addiction, the shame that you feel can be devastating.  Always hiding
your computers history, the magazines or videos and desperately hoping that your mate won't find out or worse, your children.  It can be managed in a victorious way, but it takes a lot of work and being willing to admit to yourself that you can't do it by yourself.  You need help from God and others.  There is no other way.  I have successfully worked with many men in this area and they have seen victory as they work the program.

If you are the wife of one of these strugglers, I am sure that you have been deeply hurt by finding your husband has been struggling with this for quite a while.  You might believe that this addiction is about his dissatisfaction with you or the way you look.  In reality, that is not usually the case.  You are not responsible for his decision to use pornography; he is.  But you can be an integral part of his healing process.

Women are falling prey to this addiction as well.  This has been surprising to researchers in how far-reaching this addiction has become.  This is a complicated issue, and we are here to help.

You can enjoy your life together again!

Please get in touch with us at 562-989-HOPE (4673).