Blended Family Counseling

The term "blended family" is probably not very acurate.   If you image throwing you and your child and your fiance' and their two children into a blender, does it sound like a great outcome to just turn on the switch?   Sounds like a mess to me!   If you or your finace' are looking at this part of the website, you have probably experienced some of this mess yourselves.  My friend and collegee, Ron Deal, MFT, says (from a great deal of research), that remarried couples with children really don't begin to experience the "feelling" of being a real family until year seven!  That is a much longer adjustment period than most couples think when the marriage begins.

The key to making this marriage work, is having the tools and understanding on how to make this adjustment period as positive as you can, while keeping your marriage healthy.  We can help you with that.

Call and make your appointment today at 562-989-HOPE (4673). It really can work out!